Interactive learning
Moving from traditional learning to interactive learning is not so simple; it takes a lot of motivation and a desire to study, but in a very new way. This motivation comes certainly from the individual who wants to acquire knowledge, but one of the important roles is that of virtual tutors, who must keep the student motivated and present attractive content to capture their attention and increase their interest in the subjects.
It is known as interactive learning, to one of those educational methods that complements any curricular area. It refers to the pedagogical approach that includes the use of technological systems, such as computers, tablets, mobile devices, and interactive applications that, of course, include such feedback among students and tutors or teachers.
For this to happen, it is important to move from an active or passive learning to interactive learning, which will provide a number of advantages and benefits to virtual students and virtual tutors will help them to improve their teaching processes.
Through interactive learning, students will be able to increase their ability to analyze, improve information purification, search for new texts for their learning and adapt their skills to group work through them.
Interactive education
Interactive education supported by new technologies is one of the most important developmental axis today, since the educational processes took place only in the classrooms, inside the schools. The new educational strategies have allowed more diversity so that many people have the possibility to study, regardless of their age or social and economic conditions and where they are.
Interactivity is the communicative modality that characterizes the digital age, cyber culture and the information society. This expresses the conscious availability of a communicative act, present in the message and envisaged by the sender, which opens the receiver possibilities to respond to the system of expression and dialogue with him.
With Interactive Education there is the possibility of changes in the online classroom, intervening the 4 main factors: teacher, classroom, learning and socialization.
Interactivity is focused as a perspective of modifying communication in the classroom, taking into account the emerging communication model and the model transmission gap that remains in the school institution. The crisis of education cannot be solved by modifying only the communication in the classroom. It tries to promote the bases of a free and plural communication, and the multiplicity of connections.
This has brought endless benefits to education, and its pedagogical tools have seen significant progress for the digital age and the future.
Interactive learning systems
There are thousands of ways to turn traditional education into an interactive learning system. An example of this is the digital whiteboard, which is a technological system, which allows the projection of digital content in a good format for group viewing.
The digital whiteboard allows you to draw, and write from the computer, using colors, visualizing texts, images and sounds, and it is also possible to interact with programs and people. All learning methods favor interaction between students and their teachers. Classes are more attractive and students participate much more.